Inner West Little Athletics Centre (“IWLAC“) caters for children aged between 5 and 17 of all abilities and also runs a Tiny Tots program as an introduction to Little Athletics. The focus is on children having fun, keeping fit and improving their “PB” – personal best result – over the season. Athletes also have the opportunity to compete at championship events up to and including State, subject to qualification. To assist in our Friday night competition to run as smoothly as possible please observe the following:
To minimise waiting times, plenty of discus, shot put and long jump areas are available. U6, U7 & U8 age groups are asked to use ShotPut 3 and Long Jump 4, 5 or 6. ToTs use the ShotPut circle behind the new shed – refer to the map.
U9 and older groups are asked to use discus 1 or 2 and long jumps 1, 2 or 3.
Crossing the straight track is not permitted. When proceeding to HJ or TT, please walk around the track.
If a race is approaching on the circular track, wait for it to pass before crossing.
If waiting time seems unreasonably long, see an official re varying the program. Changing the order of programmed events is not allowed as this causes disruption and delays for other age groups.
Please keep children away from the timing gates at all times unless competing in a race, to cross through at the finish. This equipment is very sensitive and may malfunction if touched, causing delay in the running of the program.
Field events
A minimum of 4-5 parents are needed to conduct field events, ie. 1 person to spike/retrieve, 2 to judge/measure and 1-2 to call athletes up/record results/supervise group.
Those waiting for their turn must be behind throwing area or jumping run ups.
Report to the straight track marshal (behind the start line for straight track events. For circular track events, report to the circular track marshal then marshal outside the fence near either the 200m or the 800m start line. Please remember to walk around the straight track when proceeding to marshalling.
Age managers are encouraged to seed heats so that children are competing with those of similar ability.
1 parent per heat will be needed to keep the group in order and in their correct heat send one person to finish line to:
− Keep the children in order once they have been given their placing
− Escort them to the recording table
− Call out their registration numbers for the recorder
This frees up the timekeepers to start the next heat, saving up to 30 minutes per night.
All helpers are requested to keep clear of the line of sight between the timekeepers and the starter. Likewise, the place judges need a clear line of sight at the finish line. In particular, adults are not permitted to run beside the children across the finish line.