As part of being COVID-compliant we have submitted, and have had subsequent approval of, our COVID safety plan for season 2020/21. A key element of this is as follows:

In needing to ensure that at no time can the number of people in the vicinity of our defined competition area (including BBQ, Canteen) exceed 500 persons (parents, athletes, committee members etc) – and considering that in season 2019/20 we had 433 members – the following is how we are planning to commence the season:

• Tiny Tots/under 6’s/under 7’s/under 8’s – 6pm start and 645pm finish

• Under 9’s and above – 6:30pm start

• One parent per child

• High Jump (mats will be sprayed and wiped down before and after each age group)

Please bear in mind that this is pending registration numbers, and will be reviewed after the first few weeks as we know that we never have all members attend on any given night. But this plan is planning for the most contentious scenario and is how we will need to commence the season unless membership numbers are dramatically less than last year. It is more than likely that competition will run more efficiently under this two-tiered competition.

Additionally, there will be a formal check-in process using QR codes at the entrances to the oval. We are asking that all parents and children check-in so we can ensure we are adhering to the venue limits.

We will be requiring additional volunteer parents this season to assist with check-in, but also for set up and sanitisation tasks.

This season we ask for your help and cooperation in following these guidelines. It is the only way forward to enable the club to operate under COVID restrictions. These policies and procedures will be under constant review and adjusted in conjunction with NSW Public Health Orders and regulations as set down by LANSW.

We appreciate your patience now and during the season..